Prompt Basics


Prompts are simply text templates sent to an AI chatbot like ChatGPT.

Prompts can take many forms, such as questions, statements, or keywords, and are used to guide the AI's output towards a particular topic or task.

They allow you to control the direction of the conversation and the type of response they receive. By providing a clear prompt, you can steer the conversation towards a specific topic, ask a question, or make a request.

Prompts also help to improve the quality of the AI's output by providing it with more context and information about your intent. This allows it to generate more relevant and accurate responses that are tailored to your needs.

In summary, the practice of crafting and using prompts (prompt engineering) gives very high returns in how you leverage modern AI.

Prompting with Eloquent

Eloquent provides a powerful interface for creating and managing prompts.

You can create a prompt for any of your chatbots, and then use it to send messages to the chatbot.